Baby Mama Got Back



Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Stephanie Harrison, a 30 something year old mother of 5.

Health and Fitness have always been a passion of mine. I’ve been teaching fitness classes since 2002. Everything from Step aerobics, indoor cycling,  and boot camps. I am currently a Certified Group X instructor through AFAA, and Certified Personal Trainer through NETA.

I had gotten into the best shape of my life once my first two children were a little older, around 10 & 11 years old. After babies number 3,4, &5, I found myself burnt out on aerobics, easily bored on stationary machines, my knees don’t like running, and I don’t have the energy I had raising the first two with my new little ones. After all I basically started all over again.

Where am I now?

Baby number 5 is 51/2 months old, Im donating my time to my church teaching Saturday morning fitness classses, (boot camp, step). Also, back to trying to juggle my responsibilities as a mother to three  young children, and as a wife, with my desire to live a healthy, and active life.  My method of choice is BALANCE. I DO NOT follow every latest fitness trend, and I allow myself things like butter & sugar in moderation. You WILL NOT find soda in my fridge, or chips, or processed snacks in my pantry. That is how I try to balance my nutrition. My greatest challenge right now is exercise. With my young children’s routines & phases ever changing, a household to run, and everyday life circumstances; the obstacles at times are insurmountable.

What does this mean?

Ladies, I can relate. So I have created this blog in hopes to motivate, educate, and inspire other moms and myself through ongoing dialogue, sharing our dilemmas as well as new moves and acquired knowledge. I hope to make “working out” more exciting and fun because we now have other women with the same goals and challenges as ourselves.

My ultimate goal for this site is to build a community forum and NEVER junk it up with shameless advertisements.

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