Baby Mama Got Back


End of Six Week Goal

This past Monday marked the end of my New Year Resolution Six Week Goal. The final weigh in had me at two pounds lost. I consider this very good because I was very lacking in cardio. All the credit must go to my intense leg work-outs. I also noticed some tightening, therefore I am pleased but I know I could have done much better. I plan on continuing my workouts and trying to incorporate more cardio. We rearranged our gym equipment to be more conducive to working out. The new location is already motivating my husband and I. I am hoping this new arrangement plus my idea of buying a spinning dvd, will help me to do better going further.  Constant interruption from my two babies continues to be an obstacle.  What I have done so far, is made this a priority and a part of my weekly routine. Eventually my babies will be more independent and this will no longer be an issue.

Lets keep pressing forward together, never giving up on our fitness goals .

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