This is the last post I may write for a while. I have decided to throw the budget out-the-window and join a gym. Besides, my husband has a membership so I think I will just have to budget one for me too. My health is important enough to find a way and I ‘m just no good on my own. It is an investment I am making for my mind as well as my body; I need something for myself.
Now, the reason I say I might not write for awhile, is because I don’t think I need to worry about toning and experiments and all while I’m pregos. All I want is an elliptical machine and some quiet time. I just don’t know if I will have anything to comment on, BUT, you never know what may strike me as interesting enough to tell about. A trip to the locker room can sometimes throw you a little scandalous story that is good for years and that is a “ladies” locker room. I know first hand from the years I spent working at a gym to know the Men’s locker rooms are unparallel in controversy.
Anyhoo, the preliminary due date is July 22. Seven months from now if all goes well.And then, consistency here I come. I’m taking control and kicking “transition” out. I want to feel good about myself again and settle in to the rest of my life.