So I’m doing the whole work-out at home thing right now; we are trying to cut out any unnecessary expenses, and my two year old thinks this is some sort of new game I’m trying to play with her. I get about two modified push-ups in before she jumps on my back forcing me into a fixed “down” position. I am modifying my movement for a reason, weakness. 23lbs added to my back at the point I’m at right now is not aiding my workout. Do I even need to mention, when I do squats & lunges, is an invitation to run in and out, or sometimes STOP right between my legs? Of course, she is laughing hysterically as was I the first couple of times. Not any more.
I know I know, you say, why don’t you work out during nap time? Well, I don’t because remember, I am hopelessly addicted to routine and the routine I grew accustomed to was the gym 3-5 days a week and having no little ones to contend with. Also, I like to have eaten a certain amount of time before I workout or be ready to take in some protein right after a workout. I realize this is a bit stubborn and nit-picky and I suppose I will have to compromise, but does a girl have to sacrifice everything for our little monkeys.
Well, I really need to figure this out because we are adding another monkey to our tree. He/she should arrive sometime in September, I think. So really I am doing a little experiment, since I never reclaimed my previous physique (oh I got back down to pre-baby weight, but I’m talking about strength & tone) I am now trying to see if I can get toned during pregnancy, safely.
Today is lower body. We’ll see how many lunges I get in dedicated to exercising before it becomes monkey business.