Baby Mama Got Back


Hi, my name is…

Lol. That is how I feel right now. Like I need to introduce myself all over again. Update: We have moved to Florida (where I’m from); we had absolutely no jobs in place before doing so, so we are staying with family just long enough to get our feet planted but any amount of time doing that is too long. However, what this means for my workouts is, it is non-existent right now. A month before we left Bristol, I was so busy tieing up loose ends that my workouts suffered. Now, staying with family, it is just a little weird doing squats in the living room while others are watching T.V. I am starving for a routine again. I choose to look on the bright side. I like having goals so, if I have to start all over again fitness wise, I have plenty of goals to work toward.
I haven’t posted any Blogs lately because frankly, I have been in a funk over not being able to workout exactly how I like to. I am really excited today and feel like I have taken a huge step toward getting out of that funk just by sitting down and writing this update. I know now that I am closer to adjusting to the changes I must make. Like a lot of people, I do not like changes but I think I adjust well, and since they are a part of life, I will embrace them.
By the way, things are going great down here. I am looking forward to taking advantage of what Florida has to offer as far as out-door family entertainment. One thing that is high on our list, is to enjoy the Pinellas Trail. It is a bike trail that extends miles and is right up our ally of what sounds like fun. Im afraid we can only ride if it has been sunny all week seeing how my husband is convinced there are alligators in any and all bodies of water even puddles.
I love you baby.

I think these two quotes kind of work together…

The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions.
– Anonymous

If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.
– Mary Engelbreit

1 Comment


  1. Gary Lynn December 26, 2009 7:25 am

    Your topics are are interesting and you’re a good writer. I love your blog.


    P.S. There ARE gators in puddles